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A nice lazy weekend off

Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007 @ 8:53 am
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It's gorgeous and sunny outside right now, but since this IS North Dakota, there is no guarantee how long it will stay that way. The weatherman {or in the case of channel 11 woman, I won't go into that..long story if your not from Fargo Moorhead}, is saying it is supposed to be warm and breezy out, but is isnt' as though they are never wrong... *cough..*cough**, but I'm hoping for the best.

I have a fairly nice weekend planned. If things go that way, which they often don't.

Breakfast is whole wheat toast with old fashioned peanut buttter {the kind that only has peanuts, no salt or sugar} and some elderberry jam that was made locally. Its quite yummy, but rather hard to spread as it is a bit too thick if you ask me.I"m also drinking a couple of lovely cups of ginger mint tea. Maybe I'll have a Darjeeling or some Earl grey too, haven't decided yet. I made some Ginger Mint yesterday but got carried away and made it way too strong. So I've been diliuting it with about 1/2 or a little or a little more water and reheating it. It is quite good.

Once I get dressed and out of the house, I'm heading to the gym for a good cardio workout. I'm going to need it. After I shower and dress at the gym. I'm off and running.

First stop: Great Harvest bread to get a couple loaves to last for the next week or two. {I usually freeze one or someties one and a half depending on what I have}. They also usually have some yummy free samples and some treats that are hard to resist. I ate a lighter than usual breakfast in anticipation of this. If I"m going to have one of the worlds greatest chocolate chip oatmeal cookies I"m going to have to compensate with the rest of my day. Their cookies are giant huge calories bombs with a taste that is more addictive than crack and heroin combined. At least if you are a carb junkie like me.

From there I'm heading to Moorhead for the second three greatest words in the English language. Used Book Sale . The library is having a sale this weekend. All books are selling between a quarter and a buck. {not every book in the library silly, just the ones they aren't keeping any longer}. I am such a suker for books, it isn't even funny. If I never bought a new one, I think I'd still have enough reading material too keep me busy for a year and I can read quite fast when I have time. {I finished HP 7 in a little over 12 hours, including breaks for potty and feeding, and visiting my son}.

After loading up with reading material, I'm hoping to visit the local farmer's market and see what kind of veggies I can load up on, hopefully restraing myself a bit as I tend to go crazy and then have to figure out how to use them all before they go bad.

I also have plans to visit the Asian Market for some candied ginger and maybe some marinated tofu {man I love Fargo, If I was back where my mom was I wouldn't have access to any of this stuff, save one really good farmer's market, I'm willing to trade Juneberries for this}.

I also need to get to Tochi {local health food store, sort of like a Trader Joe or Whole food except they also carry local produce as well as cater to a large Asian/East Indian Clientele.}. They have some products not available anywhere else. They also sell grains, flours, and other organic items in bulk way cheaper than anywhere else in town. I need to pick up a few supplies as well as they carry jumbo organic eggs that look like they are the size of turkey eggs, but are cheaper than the organic eggs in the grocery stores. I refuse to egg anything that came from a cage. {I've become on of those annoying types I know. I'm trying to restrain myself and I promise I'm not militant about it, not much anyway}

From there I"m not sure what else I need to do. I don't really need any other groceries, except maybe some fruit. My local supermarket has some good specials.

cHopefully after that I'll be able to come home, unload and put things away. Prep any veggies I might want to have for snacks {carrots, broccoli etc}, as I don't tend to eat them if I have to work for them.

I"m making some tabouleh for tommorrow. It always tastes better when it sits for a while, {that means I need to get some mint}.

For dinner I"m thinking vegetarian spaghetti. I have some mushrooms that aren't getting any younger. That should also give me some leftovers for lunch during the week. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to add any bulgar to act as Faux burger. It really does have a meat like texture in sauces and soups, but much healthier.

I also have a nice large squash I"m dying to roast. I discovered a new recipe last week, that I tried with a small squash and ended up eating the whole thing, as it was that good. All it is, is just cleaning peeling and dicing the squash in to bite size cubes, tossig with a little bit of oil and some cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, {any pumpkiny spice} and a bit of sugar, than roasting in a very hot oven until they are soft, and developing some carmelizatiion and smell heavenly. It was the best squash I ever had. I could eat it until I look like and Oompa Loompa if I'm not careful.

After that I have no idea. There is a movie I want to see {In the Valley of Elah, as I love me some Tommy Lee Jones} or I might just relax at home with the Dvd's I rented.

Right now I have The Greatful Dead playing, but I need to get off this computer and get myself moving.

Sunday I sleep in, go to UU and then to visit my son and bring him some things he's wanted {his green blanket a few other things} as well as some treats like raspberries if I can find some that are decent. I wound up returning the last ones I brought for him as once we opened the pkg they were icky. He also wants Subway or Domino's. {he's 14 and growing faster than the national debt}.

After that, I'll just come home, maybe go for a walk and just chill. I'll also have to pack my lunch for Monday and make sure I have my gym bag ready to go for the next day, and get my laundry done.

Just another normal lazy Cranky Weekend off.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass:
Thankful For:
Music of the mind: :

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
