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Just another diary entry

Tuesday, Jun. 15, 2004 @ 11:33 pm
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I love being caught in the long distance wars. Since I rarely make any long distance calls, other than to Mom, I really don't care who my long distance carrier is. A couple months ago, I got a really good deal from MCI. Tonight I got a $40 check and a $20 calling card from At&T to switch. It's only a matter of time before I get a bigger offer from MCI to get me back. Unfortunatly some how they forgot to put a pin number on my calling card. So of course I, being of simple brain, think no problem I'll just call customer service and find out what it is, or get a new one. Apparently I am living in a dream world (as my ex used to tell me at least once a day). Instead of customer service I got a corporate headache. First I spend 20 minutes going thru electronic questions, that require me to speak one word answers like I'm being interogated by a computer. Then after it the machine finally realizes I don't have the information it wants it sends me to a customer service rep, who has to transfer me and loose me to a busy signal in the process. Then I call back and do it over again, only to be greeted with somebody with an accent so thick only a native speaker of his language could hope to understand him. After being put on hold twice, he finally manages to tell me the people I need to talk to won't be in until tommorrow.

No wonder they have to pay people to switch over.

I rec'd another letter from RB. Looks like the moved him from Bismarck to Jamestown. He didn't even bother to day Happy Birthday to Warren just prattled on about handwriting and school. And how he can't get ahold of anyone. At the same time as this letter I got another letter from Child Support Enforcement wanting to reduce my child support payments. With Mike in prison and the amount of back support he owes, it wouldnt' matter if it was a dollar a month or a thousand I'd see the same result. Nadda cent. So its not gonna affect me any financially, as I haven't seen a dime from the jerk in well over a year, and any payments he makes are split 33/66 with Chris anyway.

So I'm not pissed or objecting on that ground, but rather on the principal. Mike and I were consentual when we got pregnant. It took two of us to make this kid, and yet I'm doing 99% of the work, single handedly dealign with all the stress, all the ups, downs, fears, doctor visits, birthdays, appointments etc..etc... that go with raising a kid. I'm doing everything and drowning in the process. He acts like an idiot, gets his ass thrown in prison and the courts are trying to make things easier for HIM?? Who the Fuck is in charge here anyway?? Clearly not someone who puts the child's best interst first, that is for sure.

On a brighter note tonight we picked out the new bike Warren wants for his birthday. So I can have his old one, which was originally mine in the first place, and we can go bike riding together. (Take that one RB!!). I told him we can't get it until Friday, but he was scared somebody was going to buy it first, so we put it on layaway until Friday. He also has a large wad of money on the way from Grandma and Uncle Milo. Add in what ever his friends who show up to the party bring and the kids gonna make out like a bandit. Which is good, with all that's been going on, he deserves a good birthday. I'm just praying this party goes over well. We need it.

I'm just rambling tonight. I have a lot on my mind, but I'm not sure I can (or am ready) to talk about it yet. I have a lot to say, but nothing wants to come out yet. I'm just in a not so good place right now.

Please vote in the poll if you would. I can't understand why that note about the pop ups is bugging me so. Normally I'd just sail on past that. I don't see any at home or at work, other than on my G*gook and that is Bravenet's problem, not mine. Of all the things to care about, this should be low on my list, as its not a big deal, but for some reason its easier to make this a big deal than what is really bugging me, which has nothing to do with diaryland.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: ATT&T's lack of customer care
Thankful For: my son gave me good by hugs yesterday and today ( - but NO kisses mom!! LOL)
Music of the mind: : Star Wars theme

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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Also this is my diary and if you don't like what you read, then I suggest you move on to another diary. I do not write to please others, I write for myself. If you don't like my diary it is your problem, not mine.
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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
