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12.11.01 @ 22:29
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Warren had his first visit with Dr. J today. Dr. J is his new councilor. I think this is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship. Warren was very tired when we went in today, because mommy caved and let him stay up too late to see the end of Willow. (Even I had drifted off, but it is such a lovely movie..). Dr. J is a very easy going guy, and appears to already have a great idea how Warren thinks. I like the way he brings Warren right in, and includes him, rather than making this about him or talking like he isn't there. He is a very down to Earth and fun type of person. I also like the ideas he has. Warren right now is having a major issue with frustration and with the word no. So we are keeping track of the yes's and nos, both his and mine. That way he can see just how many times he does get what he asks for. He is also helping Warren to learn ways to get more yes's. (Such as being nice and polite, being helpful, making reasonable requests and following the rules.) But the way he was able to explain it, you can tell this man was born to work with kids. I think I am going to like him. Warren was even laughing in the session, something he doens't ususally do in Dr. visits.

For the most part today would fit as what I call and escalator day. Alot of ups, a few downs, mostly inbetweens. Warren was actually in a good mood most of the day. As a treat for being so good at the dr. and because he was "Starving to death, mom" I took him to Subway for a late lunch, early dinner (around 2 or 3 pm). I swear either this kid is entering some kind of early puberty or growth spurt, or he has a second stomach. I had a six in BMT, But my son put away a 12 inch ham and cheese with lettuce, tomatos and black olives. I dont' know where he put it. I almost wouldn't buy it for him cause I didnt' think he could eat that much, but then I was thinking we could just put the left overs away for the next day. But he ate it. He was stuffed for the rest of the day. But that's more than I can eat. Then after running another errand we came home fora while. Warren wanted to, because his friends would be home and appartently there just isnt enough play time for him. I want to go shopping at 5, but he had a fit. So I made deal. His friends had to come in at 6 so we would go shopping then. (I was tired of fighting to shove his feet in to a pair of sneakers with air conditined toes..). So at 6, after I forced my self away from Buffy, we hit West Acres. First we stopped at the food court as I was starved. WArren just had a water cause he was still filled to the brim. I had orange chicken adn rice from China Doll. Then we hit the mall. Of course on the way to the shoe place I get accousted by mister soft spoken heating pad guy from teh Comfort Zone kiosk. I try to politely extracate my self, but he goes on, and then gives me this string to remind me to come back. Umm yeah sure.. WE hit payless. After much ado, and a minimum of bloodshed we find them. Shoes that mommy will pay for and Warren will where. Apparenty they are only endangered, not extinct. But this is the funny part. While Warren is trying on his shoes and doing everything but slamm dunking in them. Mommy tries on the pair that were a little too big and believe it or not, perfect fit. Comfort, style even price, as they were buy one get the second at half price. So we are now the only mother and son team in West Fargo with matching foot wear. To bad I don't way a few pounds (a h hem....I saw that snicker..) less. I would probably fit in his clothes. Now that would be scary. Can you think of anything more humilitating to a budding, soon to be hitting puberty kid. Even on the way out of the store he made a comment that "My mom is copying me.." Gee I used to be cool, what happened? When did I go from shuddering whenever I would hear the phrase, 'When I was your age', to being the person using it.

On the way out of the mall, I managed to steer clear of heating pad, reminder string dude. Then I spied a hair piece wig stand. Of course I had to stop. I have a major addction with anything hair related. I found a perfect clip on that matched my hair so exactly. When three different total strangers are impressed, you know its good. I was in love. Then I heard the price. The affair was over in a hurry. There was an even better on on the other side. But with an even higher price tag. This time I ended the affair before it started. But it is still on my mind. It felt so good and looked so right. I could just see peoples faces when I wear it in to work. But its not worth sending my poor check book in the the ER. Sometimes poverty sucks.

Thanks for signing my guestbook Essie, but you didn't leave me a web site, if you have one.

I'm off, in more ways than one.. but I'll leave you with this thought. You often see a smart man dating a dumb woman, but you rarely see a smart woman dating a dumb man. Erica Jong.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass:
Thankful For:
Music of the mind: :

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
