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Yes I really am going to be just fine

Sunday, Aug. 26, 2007 @ 6:13 pm
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Since I've always had a bizarre fascinatin with word association, I present another Unconcious Mutterings. If you want to do it, go to the site and sign up. the words will be emailed to you.


  • Uneven ::
  • hair cut
  • Wonder ::
  • bread - soft fluffy styrofoam
  • Spider ::
  • man, spins a web.
  • Emma ::
  • Thompson
  • Swing ::
  • set, loved mine as a kid
  • Orbit ::
  • Stupid commercials
  • Flirt ::
  • girly
  • Donation ::
  • charity
  • Veil ::
  • secrecy
  • Atmosphere ::
  • air

    I guess I'm not as thinky today for some reason.

    I am fine much better than I was the other day. I am planning to make a doctors appointment this comming week to rule out anything, but I am sure it was just a combination of donating blood, running like a greyhound, not eating, and totally stressing out about some things. It all added together.

    I've never passed out before, but I have felt something similiar, though not very much, usually it just meant I had to get out of where ever I was and sit down, preferably my car or someplace I knew. I don't think it was a panic attack, I had no trouble getting back into my life. I went back to the store yesterday with no problems. I skipped working out for a couple days cause I was tired and crappy feeling, but I worked out today. And I ate a hearty breakfast (kashi, peaches and almond milk) and had a hearty lunch (Saffron, it is near where Warren is, has great food. I have no idea the names of what I ate,(buffet) but it was heavenly, all of it. And no way I had room to go back for seconds. I was glad I parked at DBGR and walked up and back so I didn't feel like becomming a lump).

    I am a bit hungry now, but not that hungry. I'll make some corn, potatos and fish for dinner, probably with some nice baby lettuces and maybe some carrots, and a piece of fruit later. Or else I have some of my lentil stew (meat free).

    I also visited Warren earlier today. He has a lot of work to do before he is ready to come home, but I am already amazed at some of the changes. He is so much more polite and well behaved. He gets an allowance and is actually talking about budgeting as he learned a hard lesson when he blew to much on Fry bread (a very addictive food if ever there was one) at Potato Days (a local food fest held not too far from here in Barnesville MN).

    I gotta love a place where the kids have chores and eveyrone has to wash their own laundry. My son found out the hard way why hot water and jeans isn't always a good idea. I had to explain he wasn't getting heavier, he was shrinking his pants. He also complained because the food is so good, but they don't give seconds. They are fed quite well, but teenage boys tend to have bottomless pits where there stomachs should be. Especially one whose grown over 1.5 inches in the last 5 months.

    After my visit with Warren I spent the rest of the afternoon at Barnes and Noble. I love sitting around lazy and just reading everything. I forgotten how much I love to read. When life was one giant stress ball, I did like most women and put my self on the back burner while freaking out and eating like a pig on steroids. I didn't even realize how out of it I was, until I got a taste of how nice normal can feel.

    Who knew??

    The state of ND is also taking child support out of the idiots prison wages. Granted it is a pittance, that couldn't even buy Warren a pair of Wal-mart Pants, but it is something. After all I've bene thru, he freaking OWES me, big time. So I'll take whatever ha'penny I can get.

    I love Sundays


    Prequels ~ Sequels

    Daily Dumbass:
    Thankful For:
    Music of the mind: :

    ~*~Have you read these~*~

    ~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
    ~ She's baaack ~
    ~ testing ~
    ~ Facebook me ~
    ~ Bleech ~

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    All contents, (except graphics) unless otherwise specified, are the property of TheCrankyOne. Please ask permission before using. Person's caught using pics of my son without permission will be severely dealth with. Graphics are courtesty of Full Moon Graphics. If you want to use them, ask Kitty not me..

    Also this is my diary and if you don't like what you read, then I suggest you move on to another diary. I do not write to please others, I write for myself. If you don't like my diary it is your problem, not mine.
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    In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

    I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

    I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
