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Rambling Writer strikes again...

Sunday, Aug. 08, 2004 @ 8:59 pm
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I've made a few changes to the place, as most of you have probably already noticed. Due to a bizarre error message, a few complaints of pop-ups (which I have blocked with no less than 3 pop up blockers - take that you stupid annoying worthless ads, and still manage to ocassionally get one on other sites0, and a couple people who were having really weird things happen when they tried to load me, I have delted my tag-board, which was nice, but it didn't save older comments, and I like my new HaloScan Comments bettter, and for now my mini-poll as coding how I want my blockquotes to appear, has somehow screwed up that code. I also deleted some defunt code that didn't work, and some dead links, while moving others around. I hope everybody likes the new digs. Let me know if there are still any problems. I should have made these changes much sooner, but procrastination is one of my many middle names, along with lazy, and short attention span.

I've also discovered that a grounded 11 year old is a very unpleasant thing to be stuck with in the house when its time to pay up the piper and do the chores that were earned for missing curfew. The living room looks 200% better and I have two plus huge garbage bags to go out to the curb. I still have tons to do, and some how the guy who was getting the love seat either didnt' show, or we managed to miss him the one time we stepped out to congratulate ourselves on a job well done. To his credit however he did do a good job helping me with the bathroom yesterday even if it was movitvated by getting to Wal-Mart faster, as to spend his lawn mowing money.

Though Warren's room is still not done, and he is not happy with me for saying that he isn't allowed to have or particpate in any sleepovers until he does some work on it.

I hope that soon we can go thru other shelves an cupboards and get rid of a bunch of stuff. For somebody with no money to speak of, I have way way way too much junk. I swear when I turn the lights out at night and go to bed the books get horny and start making nookie with the nick nacks producing more tschakies and paperbacks for me to try and deal with, I don't know where else they come from. They are hornier than coat hangers the week before moving day too.

Speaking of which (okay my diary - the seqways don't have to be logical) I got a great card and cash from my Mom/brother yesterday, so of course along with the garbage bags, paper products and othe cleanign supplies I picked up at Wally World, I had to grab myself an Anakin (Geonosis battle gear) and a Han Solo (Voyage to Alderaan) on sale for $4.79 each. I can't affored to collect everything, so I pick up the figures and collectibles I like. Happy Birthday to me. My other present to myself will be paying my Goldmembership due this month, hopefully with my next check, after getting Warrens school clothes, back to school suppllies and assorted fee's (free public education my ass, only if the kid has donated supplies and cold lunch, and even then they charge a "craft fee" whatever the F* that is?). But that's another subject. I know RB won't cough up the cash, so I will pay for it gladly like I do every year, since contrary to what most active 11 year old boys think education is much more important than having a good time with your friends.

I also had at least two more suprise rage attacks this weekend. This is getting nuts. I actually got so mad I smacked my hand on a plate and broke it. I've yelled at my son, enough that he left the house and then later told me "mom your kinda scary when you get mad like that". Poor kids, that's just not right. I've done some research, and I'm as confused as ever. I don't know if its just the severe stress (things are a financial nightmare right now), my bipolar being its usually evil self, or according to the research I've done, here and also here. The Depo shot can have the same efffect on some people, as well as others. But this can't go on. My son deserves a sane mother, not a psycho mom, who goes ballistic because he acts like an 11 year old. Contrary to the example my parents occasionally set for us, screaming like a banshee isn't the most effective discipline tool. Looks like monday is telephone tag at the medical center day. I guess I should be grateful I at least realize that this isn't right.

I also only have to work three days this week (not counting my weekend) as I have Tuesday off for another one of Warren's appointments (maybe they can give me a referall), and to more another turn of the clock, which I'll get over fast, as yes I do realize there are worse things than being 35, its just being 35, and looking at where I am vs where I wanted to be by the time I reached this age. Then Thurs is my regular day off.

I'm sure they will bombard us with leftovers as well, as our company picnic, was more like a company hurricane. it was sunny off an on during the day between showers, but the picnic was hald the expected guest huddled under the picnic shelter trying not to get drenched in the down poor or blinded by the smoke. The kiddy stuff was totally canceled and the artist who was doing characatures (who is really good) left after only a few portraits becaue the light was lousy and the wind kept rearanging his paper and supplies for him.

Just another semi-boring weekend here in CrankyVille...


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: People who don't call when they can't show up, after saying they would
Thankful For: My nice clean living room
Music of the mind: : It wasn't God who made HonkeyTonk Angels......

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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All contents, (except graphics) unless otherwise specified, are the property of TheCrankyOne. Please ask permission before using. Person's caught using pics of my son without permission will be severely dealth with. Graphics are courtesty of Full Moon Graphics. If you want to use them, ask Kitty not me..

Also this is my diary and if you don't like what you read, then I suggest you move on to another diary. I do not write to please others, I write for myself. If you don't like my diary it is your problem, not mine.
Any rude comments, spam, flames etc.. will be deleted as soon as I become aware of them. Also if you wish to comment please have the decency to leave a valid form of contact such as a web address or email, unless I happen to know you and would know who you are.

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
