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Return of the money pit

Friday, Apr. 09, 2004 @ 9:12 pm
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Thank-you, you, and you for all the positive van vibes. He is once again mobile. It cost me $233 to get it runnning, including $45 for the tow, $60 for parts (something wiht the distributor, an oil filter, a leaky coolant hose, something else I can't think of )and (gulp) $166 in labor. And the guy mentioned that it looks like it might also need spark wires replaced (another $75-$80), and oh did I know I'm about due for an oil change as well. (I guess he took one look and figured he struck the automotive repair mother load).

Actually I've used this particular Tesoro station before and they've always treated me very good. They also were the only shop who still answered there phone at 8pm and would be willing to pick me up at 7:45am. They also were more than happy to drop me at work, (includinga side trip at a C-store as I had no cash and was in serious caffiene withdrawl, ) and then pick me up again in a gorgeous red sports car. Of course for the money I spend on repairs they probably think of it as reeling in the big one. I'm seriously consdering unloading, er I mean selling it. But with my luck, the car I got instead with my budget would be just as bad. Plus I can't see myself lying to somebody which is about the only way I can see myself getting what I put in to that thing. I have hearby Christened it (with a bottle of Mt. Dew) MP (short for Money Pit - open hood insert cash).

After finally getting home, I took Warren out Easter shopping. Since he doesn't really go for the Bunny and neither of us are big candy freaks ('cept for chocolate and if I don't buy it I can't eat it)our Easter bunny is a bit more Santa Clausy than most Easter Bunnies. This year in lieu of cavity-causers Warren got three way over priced collector Matchbox/Hotwheels type cars. ( I think that totals some where around 2 million cars now..) He was thrilled, seeing as it was a few bucks more than I agreed to spend this year. (litte monster demon boy).

This also marks another small milestone, as tonight Warren recieved his very first stick of deodorant. The kid is starting to smell, well like a pint sized man. You gotta love a kid, who rubs deordorant on his pits, than sniffs himself and proclaims "Thanks mom, now my pits don't smell like wet dogs anymore!!" That kid is going to be a comedian in his spare time I tell you. Today while I was at work, he decided to commonder my old laptop, but to set it up in his room, he had to rearrange a few things. So his bed is now on the opposite wall, but his dresser with mounted mirror won't go all the way against the wall, because of the built in shelf. But he likes it that way. (shaking head at that one). There is barely enough room to turn around, but now he can sit in his own room and use Paint to draw pictures (mostly vehicles off every imaginable sort). The kids got a serious talent for drawing vehicles.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: Gum chewing, brain dead blonde chick at the till at Wal-mart
Thankful For: My van works again - at least this week.
Music of the mind: : My mama said there'd be days like this, days like this my mama said

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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Also this is my diary and if you don't like what you read, then I suggest you move on to another diary. I do not write to please others, I write for myself. If you don't like my diary it is your problem, not mine.
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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
