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20.11.01 @ 23:13
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Yes I know its been a whle since I updated. Darth Real Life has been keeping me in a headlock lately. Work is an elevator ride. Good days and bad days, not too many in between days.

We are training in some new people at work, so the work load should be easier. It just takes awhile to get them trained. S* moved officially over to the *** account. Since she is training at thier location for the next few weeks I dont' even get to see her. *Sigh. Oh well. One of the new people quit after one week. He took two phone calls with St. Bernard coahing him. Had a panic attack, took a break and never came back. Apparently this is not the line of work for him.

Tommorrow was Warren's last day at his daycare. He is not gettting along there, and the teachers there after school don't seem to be able to handle him. (he does require extra special care..) I think he will do better at a program designed more for older kids. Now I just have to find one by Monday. I can understand why they are doing it. I just wish I had more time. On a brighter note I dont' have to pay for this week. Looks like I will be making lots of calls at work tommorrow. There are a couple of good programs. The Y has a great program and there is also a Latchkey program. I hate that name though. My son is not a latchkey kid. He is always under adult supervision. Ugh!! (and will be for several years to come!! Not all working single moms are irresponsible thank you. *sorry, I have issues**.). I just liked this daycare because they were close and because they were very reasonable priced. Warren liked it alot when he first started there, because they went swimming or to the park all the time. Then they got a whole bunch of little ones . They couldn't go as much, and after school he is hte oldest one there. HE hates "baby" games. Send good vibes for me.. I am going to need it. Think positive, think positve..

Today after work Warren and I went to Michaels. I rewarded him for his hard work with an Art set and some paper. He loves to draw and create. He hates coloring, but he loves to draw. He is always inventing fantastic vehicles and such with lots of detail. I thinks we may have the making of and engineer or an architecht. He is also doing excellent on his addition times tests. Reading comes hard for him, but math is a breeze. I was the opposite when I was his age. After that we went over to Bed Bath and Beyond. They didnt'have any Harry Potter like Warren wanted, but I did get him soem lovely Navy blue flannel sheets. I also got new pillows and new beige colored sheets for me. (Match my bed spread perfectly) and a pillow for me. I had included a mattress pad. then when they gave me the total at the checkout I nearly swallowed my own tongue. When I got home I looked at the3 reciept. apparently my matress pad was $50. It is soo going back. I am not spending that kind of money on a mattress pad. I have other things I really need to spend it on. Much more important things. On the brightside, Warren is sleeping in his own bed again. This will be much better for both of us.

Mike wants to have Turkey day dinner together, so we can all make believe we are some kind of family. He also parked his trailer in my back yard. I dont' really care about the trailer, as long as the bitchy neigbor on the West doesnt' have a cows or kittens over it. I agreed to eat out with him. I was planning to go out with Warren this year anyway. I am a great cook, but frankly I am not a big turkey fan and don't want to be eating the bird for two weeks. I am not looking foreward to this. He had also been drinking and was being uncharacteristically decent. This is usually a sign that he wants something, or is up to something. I hate that. As strong as I have been in the last year, I still have a weak spot with his name on it. GRRR. angry GRRRRR.

On a light note. My cat got back at me for the Nose incident. The next day when I came home, I found Obi Wan in the middle of the living room. Obi Wan (my beanie Obi Wan) Always sits on my bookshelf with the rest of my SW stuff. How he made it all the way down stairs to my living room is a mystery only Chloe and Chester cna answer, and they aren't talking. I am also suspecting that it is Chloe and not Chester who is the cotton fettish. I have found more socks and t-shirts and even my good biking shorts that have mysterious holes in them. I have never seen it happen, but I have to keep my closet etc closed at all times, or I will go to put something on only to find it suddenly has a mysterious hole in it, when I know it was in perfect shape when I put it away.

On good news. I made the last payoff on the forebarence of my mortgage. Next month my payment will be $125 cheaper a month.

My moods have been doing wierd things lately. I* was so thrilled to go see Harry Potter. I had a good time at the show. Afterwards and the next day I felt so down. Like not doing anything. Another weekend totally wasted. And I had WArren this time.

Laters all..I'm too pooped for a nice cohernet entry with an actual point to it.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass:
Thankful For:
Music of the mind: :

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
