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Anybody need a mouthy 13 year old??

Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 @ 2:26 pm
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Today I rode to the store and back and managed to clean house, eat breakfast and wash three loads of laundry as well as pick up and vacuum the living room/hallway., all before the teenager got out of bed.

Speaking of the devil (in blue jeans). Somebody (and his grilfrien who isn't) decided that curfews were for dorks last night and depite being called at curfew time and told to get his body home, decided to have one last hurrah, that ended with him and said girl being busted by the cops for curfew violation and dragged home in squad car, scaring the crap out of mom. On he other hand he did immediately adimit I was right and had every reason to be angry at him (seething rage more like it). He's lucky this time. Next time it will be a trip to juvy. He's lucky he didn't thig tie. By accounts, he was a bit mouthy at the beginning, till he got a reality check and realized in his case, shutting the *bleep* up, might be in his best interest.

He'l in for a big suprise when court comes up. I'm going to ask them to put him back on probation. If he doesn't want listen to me, maybe somebody with a bit moe authority can convince him that rules are for a reaon, and adults are not a bunch of morons set on ruining every kids good time.

Toddlers are so much easier. At least you can pick them up and put them where you want them. Warren, is big enough to pick me up (almost).

Did I mention he is also back down to level two. He won't tell me what is going on, just makes a bunch of excuses about how all his teachers hate him and are mean and give consequences for nothing. I know her, she is tough (like cast iron), but also fairly reasonable. I hate when I have to go digging to get a straight story. I wish he would just be up front with me.

On top of it all, it was Valley Con weekend, and I once again couldn't afford to go.

I've been cursed.. <

Life is too all the wrong ways.


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass:
Thankful For:
Music of the mind: :

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
