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Last train to Williston

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2004 @ 1:01 pm
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Apparently I am one of those people whom severe stress renders into complete idiots. This morning I was booking my train reservations for Thanksgiving (yes I know, but better late than never) and it wasn't until I was printing it out later that I realized I had booked a roundtrip down and back the same day. Fortunately I was able to cancel it and get a full refund and rebook, at a much higher price of course. So we are leaving tonight (actually tommorrow morning but its 3am so I consider it tonight even if it is technically tommorrow). The damn Amtrak station here doesn't open until midnight so I am just praying that everything went thru okay, otherwise I am totally f-ed up.

Of course while at the library rebooking everything (my printer needs a cartridge and $33 for a damn ink cartridge is more than I afford to spend right now), and printing it out, I left only to discover I had (so I thought) left my Visa at the library. I rush back in full panic mode, only to discover it was in my pocket the whole time, just not where I normally put it. I have one strong heart, that is for sure. Of course this left me so stressed I slowed at a green light and waited till it was almost red to go. (At the same corner as the police station yet - talk about your being rendered dead from the neck up).

When my dad died back in '96, it was in the middle of one of the worst winters on record, and it was storming again that night. Of course Mike was drunk, and I almost missed the train (its a hell of an ugly story), but we made it. I only had a little cash and not much for snacks. I was traveling with a then 3 year old Warren. To say it was a long hard trip would be an understatement. He did sleep a bit, but not much. I spent the better part of the trip walking up and down the train trying to keep him occupied, and spent my only two bucks on a warm soda and a questionable yougurt. Add in the stress I have today with my Aunt's death, my mom's birthday, my current housing issues, and you have the recipe for somebody turning grey overnight.

Warren of course is totally excited. He loves trains, hell he loves anything that has an engine or a motor and moves. (This is the boy who fixes my alternator belt and currently has my computer wired to his stereo and speakers so when I play tunes it comes out thru giant stereo speakers in Dolby sound).

Hopefully this trip will be a little smoother. Good vibes and positive energy is more than welcome from anyplace. I need a well something calming and legal.

I don't know when I will be able to update again, I may try to kipe some time on my brother's computer, but I can't guarantee anything. I will take pictures though.

"We reject the false doctrine that the church could have permission to hand over the form of its message and of its order to whatever it itself might wish or to the vicissitudes of the prevailing ideological and political convictions of the day."
You are Karl Barth!
You like your freedom, and are pretty stubborn against authority! You don't care much for other people's opinions either. You can come up with your own fun, and often enough you have too much fun. You are pretty popular because you let people have their way, even when you have things figured out better than them.

What theologian are you?
A creation of Henderson
Not sure who he is, but I like how he thinks!

Warren Quote of the week (while discussing cafeteria food):

It's not dessert if its good for you


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: Me - two days in a row and running
Thankful For: Getting to see my mom again - even if it means being stuck in Williston ND
Music of the mind: : Cosby theme - the one where they all did that Carribean number

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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All contents, (except graphics) unless otherwise specified, are the property of TheCrankyOne. Please ask permission before using. Person's caught using pics of my son without permission will be severely dealth with. Graphics are courtesty of Full Moon Graphics. If you want to use them, ask Kitty not me..

Also this is my diary and if you don't like what you read, then I suggest you move on to another diary. I do not write to please others, I write for myself. If you don't like my diary it is your problem, not mine.
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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
