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If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all

Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004 @ 4:44 pm
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Conversation over dinner last night:

Me: Yuck!! Warren how can you eat salad with out any dressing on top of it?

Warren: Easy mom, I just put it in my mouth and chew! (As he opens his mouth up wide and stuffs it full of lettuces and other veggies).

I guess I should be glad he likes veggies, and almost anything else he can fit in his mouth.

Another productive Saturday shot to tell. Went out this morning and found out I am so deep in debt I'm going to need an archiologist to dig me out. I am so sick of having no money. I am just so sick of everything period. Just once I'd like to have enough money to pay for everythign and still by a few nice things, and be suprised with a carry over to the next month. This paycheck to paycheck living is going to kill me. My life is a house of cards, and all I need is one tiny breeze for the whole thing to collapse on me. A bunch of my friends are going to see the midnight showing of Spinal Tap at the Fargo Theatre. I missed the showing of The Wall with them last week and I can't afford to go again this week. I really want to go to.

And if I don't have enough to whine about in this pity party I'm throwing myself (its my party and I'll cry if I want to..) my damn washing machine is leaking (of course it is, the warrenty expired last year, you don't think it would go out when it was covered), the gearshift indicator broke off on my van so I have to count to know what gear I am in, I have no idea what direction I am going in or what I am doing next month, and I don't have the energy to care.

Right now I want to go to bed and stay there, except that there isn't any chocolate or Mt. Dew in this house and I am craving desperately. Right now I don't like me very much, and I am not a pleasant person (even if I was having fun at B&N earlier with the CII gang). Most of the time I feel like I am walking thru honey or something. I can't keep pretending things don't exist, they aren't going to just go away cause I want them to.. unfortunately... damn...


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: Right now the whole damn planet
Thankful For: at least I have my health right? Well mostly anyway
Music of the mind: : Feelin Alright by Joe Cocker - love that Free MusicMatch radio

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
