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Stress by any other name is Mom

Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004 @ 3:30 pm
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I am really hopping this whooping cough test comes back negative. Maybe its just the antibiotics kicking in, or the cough medicine I gave him helping, or just the nature of the beast, but he has been coughing much less today, and seems to be feeling fine, other than a brief period where he wanted to tak a nap, but decided to play PS2 instead. ( I rented one to keep him happy since he is house bound for the next few days. I also rented myself a couple good movies, Unbreakable and Monty Python's The Meaning of Life). I still haven't decided what to do about work tommorrow. I don't have much of a cough, a little but hardly one I consider worrisome, but on the other hand I don't want to spread it around either. I am hopping they have the results in tommorrow. I really need to know. I have enough vacation/sick time to cover one day gone. And considering I work in a building full of all sorts of people of various states of health and a place that bottles up vitamins and other alternative remedies, well that's the last thing they need spread thru the ventilation system. They will be totally less than thrilled that is for sure, but its slow so they can just deal with it. At least they changed the teams around so I am now on R.'s team instead of schizo-girls. This alone will make my life a lot easier. Not only does he not act like everything I do, is an intentional plot to mess up his day, he doesn't change personalities everytime the moon shifts phases.

I almost forgot to mention a minor incident that happened yesterday, that brightened my whole day. I was talking with oen of my co-workers, a really nice lady probably in her 50's or so. We were just radomly chatting about assorted minor nothings, when out of the blue she just pops up and says " You have the most gorgeous hair, I've seen. You are so lucky!!".. and then goes on about her hair and how she hates it. (**Note I think he hair looks fine, too short for my taste but on her it loos just fine..) I almost swallowed my tongue. I think I said thank-you, but I didn't know what else to say. I've always considered my hair my best asset (physical appearance wise), but I never thought of it as being that great, I mean I'll never be in a a shampoo commercial or anything, though I have had more than one hair dresser compliment it. I'm flattered, I don't do anything special, but it sure was a nice bright spot in my otherwise not very bright day. Its amazing how sometimes a person can say something off hand (either positive or negative) with out giving it much thought, and it can have a huge effect on somebody else, often without the person who said it having any idea of what effect they had. It made me much happier and put in me in a much better mood the rest of the day.

Looks like leftovers for dinner tonight. I can't afford to keep eating out, and I really don't feel like cooking. For my birthday treat to myself, I made a huge pot of my special homemade spagetti sauce, (which required two trips to the grocery store, as I got home and had to run Warren to the bike shop, and it was only when I went to cook that I realized I left the bag with my garlic, mushrooms and soda at Hornbachers). My spaghetti sauce came out the best it has ever. I need to remember exactly how I did it. Though I did burp green peppers later that night. For dessert I picked up an Angel Food cake (lots of yummy- no fat), some strawberries ( I love them love them love them, Warren not so much), and a can of low fat Reddi-Whip (which barely lasted two days - as a certain red head who has grown over an inch in the last two months, seems to have a fondness for the stuff. Since the cake, strawberries and Reddi-whip barely made it to the day after, it looks like just spagetti and garlic bread for dinner. Works for me.

I'm one of the few people not offended in the least by garlic breathe. I'm convinced one of my Viking Anscestors had to have found his way down the Meditteraean.. Even if tomatos had yet to leave the America's I had to inherit my fondness for garlic, pasta and olive oil dishes somewhere...with or without the tomato part.

Please cross your fingers that that test comes back negative and Warren can go play with his friends this weekend. If he has to spend 5 days locked in the house, I think I'll be the one who ends up going insane, and I'm pretty sure CPS would not approve of tying him to his bed, and locking the door. (just kidding)..


Prequels ~ Sequels

Daily Dumbass: Scott Pederson - What kind of nut thinks they could pull that one off..
Thankful For: Compliments are always nice, also thanks for all your nice messages
Music of the mind: : Always look on the bright side of life........

~*~Have you read these~*~

~ Ode to a child who is no more ~
~ She's baaack ~
~ testing ~
~ Facebook me ~
~ Bleech ~

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In every neighborhood there is at least one house that all the neighbors gossip about. This is a diary from the woman who lives in that house. I am a single mother in her mid thirties. I live in North Dakota with my son, Warren.

I tend to be a bit of a slob, and am the opposite of a girly-girl. I am geek girl, who loves Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Buffy, Angel, action movies, science fiction, action adventure, Dr. Who, and so on and so on.

I love to write and while I don't post much fiction online anymore I would love to be a writer someday. I am also overweight, bipolar and suffer from allergy induced asthma.
